Def use it elsewhere. And if there's any problem with billing, etc—hit me up at pearlmanj22@gmail.com

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I have enjoyed the column very much and was happy to subscribe, even with the hiatus. But I just renewed in late January and am think I could use the sub fee on someone else if you're not going to write Weekly here anymore. Please advise ...

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Like John I also renewed in Jan & no from our end there are no refunds

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Best of luck with your new venture, there are many Dems out there grasping for ways to combat MAGA. Hence to the extent you have suggestions either specifically with you new venture or otherwise I suspect many would be interested in hearing your thoughts. Tx.

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Jeff - Your story about Tiger Bech crossed my TikTok feed in January. The story was even more meaningful having gone through Ivy college admissions as a parent and later watching Ivy sports again as a parent. I followed you immediately. I love the cadence you use as you tell a story. As luck would have it, I find you here in my feed almost a month after you publish your last story. Your talents will be useful locally. I will miss what it looks like you publish on this platform. I will continue to see you on TT.

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I would love it if you'd share a bit about the journey you're undertaking, as a lot of folks are either intimidated or just unaware of what local involvement looks like. Others are like me: still recovering from the brain damage of past attempts at engaging with the party apparatus, and in need of some inspiration to try again. Best wishes, and thanks for all you have shared here.

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UCSD alumnus here wishing your daughter well! And kudos to you for fighting the insanity of our present circumstances.

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Best of luck to you, Jeff — and I just followed you on Bluesky! (I'm @twalk there.)

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I am going to miss this I hope you do write here once in a while. Maybe you can continue your journalistic musings on blue sky Not thrilled that some of them are behind a pay wall

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Thank you for all the posts over the years. I have a used a handful of them with my journalism students, especially the one about taking financial gifts from parents and the one about hate emails. Thanks again and good luck to you.

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Sad to see the end of The Yang Slinger. I wish you the best of luck and share this unsolicited and free advice (a double whammy if ever there was one!); I hope that you find what you are looking for in the political social media world and are successful in your overall objective. I would only caution you that outing crazy conservative voices on social media, while satisfying emotionally, is unlikely to do much good, mostly because they are already out. I hope instead that you will use your powerful voice to find ways to help people connect to the agenda that you are recommending. In the end, to affect the change you seek you need to speak to those who aren't already in agreement with your point of view. You need to remind, convince, cajole and market your vision (and the party's vision) to folks who aren't already on your team. That's how elections are won and that's how real political change happens. Not by outing 1000 bozos. Godspeed, Jeff, and as Mark Twain so eloquently said, "never have a battle of wits with an unarmed person." I'm not sure in this scenario if that is me or the folks driving you nuts on X. Cheers.

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Really enjoyed the newsletters. You do want you need to do to speak the truth. Thanks.

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Thanks for the newsletter, Jeff. Always enjoyed the opinions and insights. Fight the good fight.

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LOL this is laughable. Would you rather have another 4 years of Biden, the world laughing at us? I'm super excited for the next four years. Get illegals out of the country, stopping wars, government efficiency and transparency. Where was all your crying when Biden was ruining our country? Get bent.

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Nick, tell me why you're excited as all of our (necessary) programs get slashed and destroyed by an unelected billionaire weirdo? Remember this exchange a year from now.

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I'm not here to educate you, unless you want to pay me to do so. I asked you a question, would you rather have a repeat the last administration? Where millions of illegals are pouring into the country and committing acts of violence? Or how about the human trafficking being committed on our southern boarder? Or the billions of dollars being laundered to Ukraine? Pick your poison the list goes on and on. Where was your criticism of Biden and all his dumbass moves in the white house? What has Trump done so far that you're so worried about? Declaring there's only two genders? I bet you got pronouns in your bio.

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Yes, I would rather have President Biden—diminished and decaying—than President Musk. And, before long, I'm fairly certain you'll agree with me. But enjoy the walk into fascism. It feels gradual—until it's not.

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"If you are young and not liberal, then you have no heart; but if you are old and not conservative, then you have no brain"

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Best of luck Jeff, thanks for all the great work here. It'll be missed. Now go save democracy.

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It's kind of bullshit that you charged me $80 a year in August (and went on hiatus) and now you're bailing. But you be you dude.

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Wait—Bison. Is there no way to get a refund/get your money back? I never, ever, ever, ever did this for the money. If it's impossible to get a refund or end, e-mail me (pearlmanj22@gmail.com) and I will send you the dough. Last thing I wanna do is rip anyone off. At all.

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